Just like egg, just like God, you also exhibit three personalities!
Are you suprised? Follow us @TUMI as we expose this mystery to you.
The bible disclose that we are gods. We are in His(God) image. We should be perfect even as God is perfect. He works as God the father, son and holy spirit. Below is yours!
YOUR god the father-the hidden man!
Your character signifies the original you!
I embark on a research to get full details of some words in which character is one of them. Here is the amazing thing i got from it.
Character is simply defines as 'the hidden man of the heart'. It is so hidden that God has to search the heart. It is Sometimes referred to as the soul which comprises of the mind, will and emotions. It develop as a result of inherited temperament from parent or grand parent which is later modified by childhood training, education, basic attitude, beliefs, principles and motivations.
Sigh. It is fortunately unfortunate that our character is formed by who and what we grow up with at first. It is a composition of others. Until we take full control of our own lives, we are yet to know who we are! And to take full charge started with the renewing of your mind.
Stop it!
* Just because a man you are in a relationship with says you are beautiful, you get mad at him. He is not that the man that raped you several years ago saying the same thing. Stop. Stop.
* Just because you experience your father beat your mummy doesn't mean every man is like that. Renew your mind sister.
* Just because several people calls you ugly or bimbo, you are busy transforming your looks, exposing your private body parts, leaving behind the main 'ko ko' your character.
What is that events, or words of people that has build a negative belief in you? You have gat to renew that mind. I have two options for you. Call or chat me on whatsapp or register for NLP(call innocent on 08032005725). It's beyond what we write here.
As God Himself is the 'I AM THAT I AM' so He wants us to be 'what He says we are' and that's the real you. Enough of faking around!.
Your character gives the best protection ever. Not that security door, dogs, men, nor CCTV cameras. You can exhibit open mind and see a glimpse of what i am saying. Get your character renewed so you can be transformed!
Look at this:
Have you ever get stuck while finding a means to urinate or deficate?
Have you ever misplace any valuable thing you are urgentely in need of?
Have you ever go through the process of sneezing?
Hmmm, what you experience after getting all this done, is just what will happen when you renew your mind!
Please Reprogram-unlearn(uninstall), learn(install) and relearn.
Take full charge of your life.
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» the 3 in 1 in you part 1
the 3 in 1 in you part 1
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