The 3 in 1 part 2

 I can't pass that mathematics. I can't be the one now. I can't, i can't. Why always negative? Don't forget that "what you say stays".
Some people are so used to a word(negative ones) that it has become the normals. A slang. Life and death are in the power of your tongue. There is power in every word you speak!
 Just as Jesus(God the son), that word represents your second person in your trinity as a little god. 'This world is created by the WORD (Jesus) by our God, so definitely your world is been created by your own spoken words'.
That 'no point' in you is just the direct opposite of the 'on point' you need! All you require is to renew your mind followed by affirmation of positive words.
 Don't get me wrong, i didn't say you should deny the fact just as many do. After all Faith is simply over riding the fact with the word of God. It is not denying the fact that you have head ache but confessing that 'by His stripe i am healed 2000years ago, so you head ache get out now'. If you find that difficult to believe, then i challenge you to pick up a mad man on the road side and camp him in your room so that when people ask why you did that, you will tell them he is not mad just because you are exercising faith. Smiles.
'Don't deny the fact rather overcome it with the word'. The great book(BIBLE) is the best place you can get the word you need for all. Don't just have it. Meditate it and let it be in you. Enough of being fooled by people when you have the right resources. In a changing world, you can trust only God's unchanging word. Isaiah 40:8.
 The word you speak gives protection to your relationship with God and people.
 'Show me a good influence and i will point out his secret-the word he speaks'

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