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Will crime continue4

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Episode 4 Bank Palava  Surprised, shocked, you rushed into a bank to make complains and after hours of standing on queue you finally appear in front​ of the customer care and here goes the conversation Customer care(CC): Good morning. Welcome to TUMI bank. How may we help you? You: I was expecting the ATM machine to vomit the money i requested but all i see is that my account has been blocked so i rush down here to tell...

will crime continue3

Will crime continue? Episode3 Public transport show! "Driver let's go now or should we sleep here?" "Please conductor give me my change before i forget because you people are thiefs" "Driver why are you taking this route? Pass here now" "Mr man can't you sit well please adjust" "Madam pay me my money or you get down now" etc. You can add yours   Right from where you are picked up to where you alight, there are lot of shows that happens in...

will crime continue2

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Customized Police   Yepee Christmas eve is here again. Happy, excited, Mr x withdraw #19,000 naira for the "chicken peri peri" for Christmas.    Gbam!(sound effect). Suddenly someone called Mr x on his way home as of he was a childhood friend but before Mr X knows whats going on he lost his consciousness. After some two minutes, he regain his consciouness but the money has disappeared from his back pocket. Being...

will crime continue1

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Episode 1 'Oga boss boss' Hey! hey! hey! 'oga boss boss. Twale !baba o. Gbe fun! Nla nla' is the eulogy to that wealthy man around some Street guys. After all of that, you gave them money. I mean money that even after you left their place, you were thinking if you are the one that gave them such an huge amount or they use something on you. Smiles BACK TO YOUR WORK PLACE Six of your friends and some others work for you. You use...

Must it be you?

MUST it BE YOU? That will be the next sex food of that brother? Are you just a sample? It is something that should not be done (genesis 23:7) That will put on rags and call them clothes? Are you a faithful prostitute in appearance? Addressing you is what you want, then dress well. That will mislead the boy to do evil? Are you the next Eve? That will kill the strength of the boy? Are you the twin sister of Delilah (judges 16:5-20). That will...

common love!

COMMON LOVE TURNED SPECIAL; SPECIAL LOVE TURNED COMMON. Everyone on earth want to be loved even the youngest child of this trending generation but when someone tells you he/she loves you what does it mean? What runs into your mind when people tells you how much they loves you? The feelings are always interesting indeed when we heard those uttered word from peoples. There are some Significant terms to treat here so as to know the difference...

The bait

THE BAIT! 1. Bro, you notice she is acting funny now a days and suddenly she request for a vigil that on the long run will make two of you alone together for the rest of the night. Wait! Don't you think that's the bait? 2. "Look! Friend 'Criminal ni gbogbo wa(we all are criminals)'. so do the manipulation". Of course That's exactly the bait. 3. You are in need of money and your fiance ask you to come around late in the night for the money. Hmmm.....

To the freshers

NOW THAT YOU ARE NEW! For everything, there is a beginning and surely there is an end to every beginning. What determines the end is the distance between the beginning and the end. "If the foundation ( beginning) be destroyed, what can the righteous (you) do?" Is either the righteous(you) cry on the problem ( or run away) or you work towards getting a solution to the problem ( doing a hard work because hard work as some people do say is the combination...

are you also among?

ARE YOU AMONG? "How you do one thing, is how you do everything" "We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will die together as fools. Martin Luther King" "If the foundation be destroyed, what will the nation do?" How are we going to improve and move forward when we do not have qualified tutors in our schools. I always hear people saying youths and children of today are the leaders of tomorrow but the question that always come to...

be my val

Please be my Val! "BAE", please colour my Vision After Loving (val) you!    "BOO", please make me Virtuous After Loving (val) me!  I need someone that can be my Value Added Landmark (val). Someone that can add value to me. Let me see a better me in you. Let me be Valued After Loving (val) you! Let me be able to draw power from you not you draining mine. All i want is to be Vagile after i Accepted your Love proposal (val) Please...

how long will you keep it

HOW LONG WILL I KEEP IT? " when urges tells me that you need it; when friends lure me to come with them for fun with guys; when seduction comes; when I see porn pictures or video; when am are in need of money or job but the ones I see is attached with give and take; what did I say? How long will I say NO? When will I stop saying NO? HOW LONG WILL I KEEP IT"  Having the thought of speaking to a teenager of 14yrs who was groaning in pain...


ENOUGH!!!  Hmmm... My ears are full of all criticism, discussions, excuses, arguments, debates on religion (most especially on churches, and pastors). Words like: * In my church, .... * Many pastors are .... * The pastors wife of that church puts on .... * Don't you know he is a member of ..... denomination.  Little out of all i have heard are the ones above. Many have painted their church, pastors or religion God.  By so...


Can you take your time to read this conversation between a person and a tumite. You might find it helpful. Feel free to share too  Tumi: Good pm. Longest time o Mr T: Yes oo Eku enjoyment Tumi: How is everything sir?  Hmmm. Enjoyment ni yen o Mr T: We tnk God o I hope u are enjoying ur IT?! Tumi: Yea.i choose to jare. And you nko? Mr T: Partially Tumi: Hmmm. So you rather choose to enjoy partially when you can choose to be over...


Conscienceless!!!  (Sigh), killing here and there. Kidnapping very rampant. Rape the new normals. Fraud, criminality and rituals all over. Let me ask this              Where is their conscience?  Imagine! beating, hitting hard a fellow human. That's very unimaginable to me.  What where they thinking? HERE WE GO  PARENT! I am holding you responsible. Look at what your children are doing...

The artificial

The artificial! "Instead of working towards being supernatural, you are busy going artificial destroying the natural. What!" You are unique in your own way and in your skin color. Black is beautiful and unique if you can keep it!" From the beginning of creation, we all knows that everything that God created was perfect and good but today why do we still have people who are not contented with their looks and this tends to bleach their skin...

attitude in prayer

Attitude Towards Prayer "Are you sure prayer is the master key? If so, why looking for some other keys to open that door?" Oftentimes i have noticed youth's attitude towards prayer being preposterous and absurd. One of the way we communicate to God is through prayer. Prayer is talking with God. There are few things i want to discuss here.  The three P's of Prayer. Power of Prayer Posture in prayer Prayer a communication means to...

what's the essence

What is the essence? “loni! Wa gba” “I will let you know who I am” “you! How dare you? You hit my car and you still have mouth to talk abi? And many more{you can add yours}         We have one way or the other get angry which had led to speaking one or all of the words above.         Getting angry is normal, but uncontrolled anger is the very abnormal part of anger. What you wouldn’t do or say normally...

do not walk alone

Do Not Walk Alone! "if you have a vision and you are walking and working towards it, whatever that comes your way during the journey be it pleasing or not, good or bad, encouraging or frustrating, stressful or stress free, are making a better future and a better you"  "a vision without a feature, friction, fracture, picture, puncture, is not a ready to see the that great future as sketched in the picture" Life comprises of two...