" when urges tells me that you need it; when friends lure me to come with them for fun with guys; when seduction comes; when I see porn pictures or video; when am are in need of money or job but the ones I see is attached with give and take; what did I say? How long will I say NO? When will I stop saying NO? HOW LONG WILL I KEEP IT"
Having the thought of speaking to a teenager of 14yrs who was groaning in pain for her menses, i was inspired to speak, advice & enlighten her on; How long will she keep it. How long can you hold your affections? How long will you have the pride? How long will you block your hymen gate? How long will you prevent the plugging from a man? How long? How long?
Note: One of the joy in the pain of this menses is the VIRGINITY!!!.
I will like to relate this also to every upcoming youth (Teenager) and the Already Youth
To The Teenager
Hello teenager, it's a good news to you that you are already a woman once your flow (menses) starts. Have you asked yourself how long will it take me to keep the Virginity?
The state of virginity is being a virgin and virgin simply means someone who has never had sextual intercourse.
Have you started your menses at d age of 13, 14, 15yrs? Do you know how long it will cause you to wait and keep it; keep the sex; keep the kiss; keep the romance; keep the caress?
It might cause you 10, 12yrs etc depending on the time you get married. The waiting time is the price you are paying for your DIGNITY. It worth sacrificing those waiting years for because its your PRIDE.
NOTE: Ladies around you might have losed theirs, your sister or brother might tell you it not necessary, your friend's might tell you the same, but dear teenager your virginity is your pride. "Keep It For That Man"
To The Youth
I will say a BIG WELDONE to the youth who are still striving to "Keep It", i mean their PRIDE & DIGNITY.
I have this goodnews for you; The years left for you to keep it is not up to the years you have being keeping it.
Please, fight the good fight of DIGNITY and still KEEP IT for that man. "It worth fighting for". And if any lady has lost her VIRGINITY due to whatever circumstances please dont lose your VIRTUE.
How do i keep my virtue?
Ask us on whatsapp. Thanks and God bless
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» how long will you keep it
how long will you keep it
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