Can you take your time to read this conversation between a person and a tumite. You might find it helpful.
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Tumi: Good pm. Longest time o
Mr T: Yes oo
Eku enjoyment
Tumi: How is everything sir?
Hmmm. Enjoyment ni yen o
Mr T: We tnk God o
I hope u are enjoying ur IT?!
Tumi: Yea.i choose to jare. And you nko?
Mr T: Partially
Tumi: Hmmm. So you rather choose to enjoy partially when you can choose to be over fully
Mr T: D tin is, am nt satisfied wit d job I'm into.
And besides d payment is nt encouraging
Tumi: Ehyah. So what's your moves now. Is there any plan? What is the job all about?
Mr T: At all. I will jxt manage it till d end. Itz teaching job
Tumi: Hmmm. You managing is not a good choice for me. Can I take you through some process for few minutes?
Mr T: Aiit. Go on
Tumi: alright.
Here is it:
Which organization do you wish to be that will make you satisfied?
Mr T: My discipline of course
Banking line or in any formal organization.
Tumi: Formal organization as in?
Mr T: Lyk office job
Tumi: Any office job?
Sorry for asking too much questions o. This process requires me to know something. Until I am there, I will not stop asking questions. It really going help.
Mr T: Yes
Tumi: Why do you just want any office job? Besides that what subject do you take where you are now?
MrA T: Coz I believe I will be able to save some money b4 I finally go back to sch. m taking 5 subjects
Commerce, account, social studies, business studies and civic education
Tumi: Wow.five!. That can be stressful o. Ehyah.
Mr T: Too stressful
Tumi: What makes you think that those office job will make you save
Do you know you can actually get more satisfaction and savings on this job you than anywhere else you think you will if you can just build yourself up.
Mr T: D salary will be buoyant dan teaching job nw.
Tumi: From what you have said, I noticed that you never wanted teaching during your life time. You have many times condemned teaching. Am I right?
Talk to me my battery is going. Am waiting
Mr T: Yap. Av tried dat. But itz jxt nt working
Tumi: Alright. That's where the problem starts from. Not the salary, nor office job.
Mr T: If u say so
Tumi: Tried what sir?
Are you there?
Mr T: I min av tried getting d satisfaction buh itz nt working
Tumi: Ehyah. You trying to get satisfaction is not the starting point. I think you changing your motives about teaching is the beginning.
I do always love teaching. My friend left professional job for teaching. That place is the best place to be if only you have discovered your purpose and value.
While I was teaching, I was been paid #8000 and I so much enjoyed it. It got to a stage that I almost left my present work place just to go back to my teaching.
The point is,
Get your motives about the work change
Try discover yourself. I bet it with you if you discover yourself, you will enjoy any job you are in because it's not the job that will give you satisfaction here, it will now be the fulfillment of your purpose. And during those times, you will be eager to communicate this to somebody which you as a teacher is the best place for that.
Why do you allow situations, common salary, office job to control you Ahan you discovering your purpose can be a greater Joy and happiness no matter the situation. Please find your voice.
Mind you, you choose to be like that. Everything is your choice
Read this little piece:
*Many people discover purpose and die down their profession or making it lag behind while some are soaring in their profession without the search for their purpose.*
The question is:
*Why leaving profession behind due to discovery of purpose?*
Why fulfilled in profession but dead in purpose?
*It is purpose discovery that made:*
1. Mathematics professor a pastor (pastor E.A Adeboye)
2. architect a Bishop (Bishop Oyedepo)
3. Accounting student a musician (Lillies praiz)
4. Lawyer an artist (Funke Akindele)
5. building student a life coach (Dexterous) and many more people.
It is good to be educated, to study a course at higher institution but that's not all about you. There is still something within you that need to be exposed to the world. You are more than that professional course!...(ask us for the full copy if you please.)
Tumi: Have a nice rest of today. I guess you are offline. We can talk some other times when you come online. I hope you do get my point.
The power is in your hands. It not anywhere. Not in that salary neither is it in that professional job.
Find your voice and you will see the good of everything. After all everything works together for our good. Whatever you find your hands doing, do it well!
Mr T: Tnkx for d advice nd tym.
I really appreciate
Tumi: My pleasure sir. Good night
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