The artificial

The artificial!
"Instead of working towards being supernatural, you are busy going artificial destroying the natural. What!"
You are unique in your own way and in your skin color. Black is beautiful and unique if you can keep it!"
From the beginning of creation, we all knows that everything that God created was perfect and good but today why do we still have people who are not contented with their looks and this tends to bleach their skin to become white.
Bleachings is melanin inhibitor in case you don't know. I hear some people saying if you don't like your skin, you can change it but that's not true. In as much you cannot choose it from the beginning, why changing it? It destroys the body. Your skin color is beautiful. You are unique in your own way. Why copy others.
    In some part of the world, it is believed that light and paled skinned people portray beauty, richness and success as well while dark people people are considered below standard. Even young ones nowadays also prefer skin whitening products so that they can become good looking without thinking about the implication of their actions. Who told you that you aren't beautiful in that your natural skin?
   There are many harmful effects of skin whitening or bleaching which includes:
* Dark gray spot
* Skin cancer
* Acne
* Swelling of the skin
* Thinning of the skin
* Cataracts
* Stretch mark
* Setting down of face, chest, and stomach
* Increase in appetite and waist gain
* Kidney damage
* Asthma
* Liver damage
* Birth problem
Why do you still bleach when you know your black skin is beautiful. God has given you a perfect skin color, maintain it and never add to it so that you'll not encounter its negative effect....
" Romans 12:1 AMP:I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship."
    I will advice you to be unique and different positively in your skin rather than join multitudes. Keep your skin natural and super beautiful.
Thanks and God bless.

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