For everything, there is a beginning and surely there is an end to every beginning. What determines the end is the distance between the beginning and the end. "If the foundation ( beginning) be destroyed, what can the righteous (you) do?" Is either the righteous(you) cry on the problem ( or run away) or you work towards getting a solution to the problem ( doing a hard work because hard work as some people do say is the combination of simple work that is supposed to be done in the past). Thank God there is an Alpha and Omega!
Now that you are new, now that you are in the beginning, you have a distance to cover, so you can get to the end excellently, good, fair or bad or even stops on the way (well that is also an end too). The ball is in your court. Nobody can decide your end. you are the only definer of your end. Nobody is the cause or can cause you succeed or fail except you. It is the way you lay your bed, you will lye on it. Whatever you sow, you will reap. You better be wise!
While you were coming from home to resume school, you were like "WOW!" Am now a student, i am now going to school. You were very happy. Your wow here means
W- Wade
O- on to
W- Wit
You as at then have a lot of things you said you want to achieve when you get to school and you have passion for it. Get a book, write those things down, get it pasted in your room. Do that now! Don't waste your time. If you can't do it now, it is the beginning of faulty foundation.
Now that you are new in school, you are now on your own, nobody to control you like they do at home and you are happy for this. You can do anyhow. Yes! That's true. You are free but you need to be wise. You better think. You are here for something very important. You have toiled many years to get in, now that you are here, focus on those things you are here for. You are in school to learn. Yes! To learn! Get it! Get it! Just to learn. Do you understand?
Learn what?
Malcoln Forbes says that "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open mind"
When many come to school, their believe and mind is to come study that course alone. Nothing more than that.
No that's not true, you are mistaken if that's the only reason you are in school. This is where you learn;
Good morals
Good relationship
Service to God
Passion for purpose and lot more.
Accommodate i.e give chance to people and things. Expecdally things you have not heard before so that you can think about it.
If you have just come to learn that course alone, that means you will not graduate! Unless you will not speak with anybody at all throughout your stay in school which is impossible.
There are many people you will meet and you will also see many things and during the cause of these this thing, you get to learn life. "A fool in school (university, polytechnic, colleges) is a fool forever"
Another person says that "The illitrate of the 21st century is not the person who cannot read or write but someone who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn"
If you cannot learn life here in school, your future outside school will be difficult unless there is God's intervention. If you cannot discover purpose here in school, it's a pity you are missing out.
Many things will come your way, side attractions which may want to blurr your vision but you need to take your stand. Those things that can cause you to fail in school include:
Ignorance: ignorance is a deadly disease. A wise coat says "ignorance of ones ignorance is the minimum requirement to enroll in the school of the fools" this means if don't know and you don't know that you don't know means you are a fool. Ensure you are learned in a lot of things while in school. Don't involve yourself in things you don't know. Don't go where you don't know.
Indolence: don't be lazy. Many people get to school and they get lazy. Nobody to force them do things unlike home. Do the right thing at the right time.
Criticism: there are lot of people in school who are good in criticizing people and things. That's common, this kind of people knows everything so they criticize a lot. You need to avoid these kind of people. Just be sure of those things you are doing.
Friends: you need to be careful in choosing your friends or those you want to walk with. It is very important if you really want to succeed in school. Get good friends that you talk good things together. Not those that you discuss meaningless things together.
Social life: life in school is full of activities and that's what youth like. They get distracted with this kind of life, leaving what they came to study (Building Technology or other courses) but all they learn is dancing rehearsal, music rehearsals, etc. 80% social life on irrelevancies, 10% for fellowship. 10% for their lectures, reading and sleep. What a pity. You better be wise. Am not saying getting socialised is not good but too much of it is not good. Schedule your time and make sure you follow it.
You better be wise and know what you are doing. Remember what people do tell you while coming to school. They will say "o je ranti omo eni ti o n se" which means " remember the son of whom you are" so that when you leave school, you can be happy with what you have gained. This is determined by the kind of WOW you say when you are leaving. For those who failed they were like "what a waste" (Waw!). A successful one will say a big wow which is the " word of winners!" (wow!)
Which one do you want? It depends on you. A word is enough for the wise.
Do not forget that ALL EYES ARE ON YOU.
Your parent are waiting for you to bring good success home.
Your friends at home are expecting a better you. Some are jealous of you. Make them more jealous by getting a good result and a good you.
Your enemies are waiting for your failure so they can make jest of you.
Your future is expecting you to come quickly.
God is waiting for your manifestation of His person on earth as a success.
The society is waiting for your contribution. Yours is to choose if it's going to be positive or negative.
Lastly, heaven is expecting you. likewise hell. Which one is your choice?
God will help you. Amen.
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» To the freshers
To the freshers
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