Attitude Towards Prayer
"Are you sure prayer is the master key?
If so, why looking for some other keys to open that door?"
Oftentimes i have noticed youth's attitude towards prayer being preposterous and absurd.
One of the way we communicate to God is through prayer. Prayer is talking with God.
There are few things i want to discuss here.
The three P's of Prayer.
Power of Prayer
Posture in prayer
Prayer a communication means to God.
POWER OF PRAYER: The son of God (Jesus Christ) knows the importance of prayer, that is why he separated himself to prayer & fasting for forty days and night. Matt 4:2. Jesus himself prayed to overcome the challenges of life. Devil tempted Jesus, the temptation was not a physical one. This was done after the prayer of Jesus. If Jesus had not prayed he will have become a prey to the temptations.
The book of Ephesians 6:10-12, the Bible said "be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, power, rulers of the darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places."
Dear youth, why not use your strenght in prayer now, the bible says "the glory of the youth is their strenght". Youth, pray for your future now, secure your future now in prayer because it will get to a time you won't be able to pray as you can do now again.
"How long will your parent keep interceding for you". Remember you are to intercede for your children also soooner or later. Therefore learn how to pray now!!!.
POSTURE IN PRAYER: I look at our society norm & culture, a child that want to greet his/ her parent in the morning and lies on the bed to say Daddy or Mummy "Good Morning" will be regarded as a spoilt child, but when we christians decide to pray after wake up and we are on bed we are not spoilt.
In a family devotion or church gathering, the posture of youth is very rudely, and they are in such gathering to pray and ask from the King of Kings. Imagine!!!. But if they are to ask of material things from their parent or they want to discuss something important they sit or stand erect. They will show how truly they need that thing but to God they won't.
Note: God is not a respecter of any man, and God is not your elder brother/sister. He is not your boyfriend nor girlfriend. "Have a right posture in His Presence and Reference Him.
PRAYER A COMMUNICATION MEANS TO GOD: When communication cease in a relationship, such relationship gradually goes to a halt and intimacy will be lost in such relationship. I remember i spoke to a friend of recent who brought it to my notice that our communication is dwindling and this saying was of a truth because i could feel it myself.
Many youth can not but in a day speak to their lover and love ones , through phone calls, watsapp, text messages and when all these means seem to no avail they are so worried.
How do you feel when your communication with your creator is affected.
Prayer is not a one person thing. It's suppose to be a communication between you and God. But most times, we are the only one talking. Allow Him(God) also to talk. After telling him your requests, listen to him too. Keep silence to hear that still small voice that is talking to you. Read the bible too for more answers and direction then believe what is written. Give the attitude of which you will show when the prayer is answered immediately. Never look back nor doubt.
"If you can see it, you can be it"
"Picturize it! Prayerize it! And it will Actualize."
Please dear youth, let Change Our Attitude Towards Prayer. God Bless You.
Do somebody a favor bu passing this message on to others and groups.
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