God is beyond religion!

Let’s go on this journey together.

Depth of infinity is the ancient wisdom.

Full of mysteries,

Deep beyond imaginations,

Controller of the physical,

God is beyond religion!

  • How then do we restrict ourselves to a few rules and develop segregation?

  • How then do we let our uniqueness in praising God be a problem instead of a quality?

  • Why then do we let this difference be a veil that we couldn’t see how our people are becoming immoral?

At least, let’s promote integrity over everything.

At least;

To our God, we must be faithful to him instead of show offs  to impress people.

To our leaders, being loyal to them in all is the right thing. Not just in their presence, but also in their absence.

We must not deceive ourselves in the guise of trying to show off while portraying an image of who we are not. 

This I think should be our message instead of allowing some personal beliefs deprive us of this.

We must be spiritual. Yes! But we must be moral still and respect others belief.

To be spiritual,

Faith has to be rendered.

Love has to be exhibited.

Sacrifices have to be paid.

Prayers have to be made.

Praise has to be laid.

But then, don’t put others at stake.

Or see any less; because, everyone is on a race.

If we must influence others, let it be by personal conviction. Just do your part to reach the soul and wait on God.

In all,

"Just say 'yes' and 'no.' When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong." Matthew  5:37 (MSG version)

Integrity matters, but God over everything.

Thanks to Alinna Charles and Jimisewa

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