My knowledge about nothing!

Is it about the certificate or the money?

Everyone just wants this certificate; but then, i feel most people are doing this because of the money. Why?

Is education for the money or the learning?

If it's for the learning, then how do i get the earning?

Education has been painted black. It has been gotten wrong-probably not wrong but has been nulled. Look at what we now have:

Let’s say everything remains white till senior secondary school; stains of different colours get to alter the wholeness starting from the external exams thereafter. Students no longer read to get the qualification; they are rest assured of the support of machinery-  the malpractice Style. Now they have gotten the support of their parents and their schools.

Nowadays students are like photocopying machine-it's either they depend on machinery, or they cram or they copy in the exam all.

Everybody wants to study but then they want to do that with money. They want to buy knowledge and with money.

If you ask why, they (even me sometimes) will give a common excuse that "this is Nigeria"

If Nigeria want the certificate by all means, What do you want?

Even in education, do you know you can put integrity over everything?

Wait, incase you care to know, i have this for you:

"The best application to activate the mendula oblongata.

Just like a stair case,we climb it.

Despite the toughness we encountered while climbing, we still thrive to continue

Though it's not the only way to success.

But along which ever way,it is been demanded.

Everyone deserves it but not everyone gets it.

And if you are opportune to get it,please don't misuse it.

The back bone of many strong holds.

The pride of nation.

Determination of many future. Is it really?

A garment of respect and honour it gives.

Get it,get more to life
Embedded in it are the mysteries of success, greatness and value.

Though referred to as the best legacy.

It is the long cut to lasting success.

The more I read,the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing."

     You never stop learning until you breath your last breath.

Not learning at all is also a lesson of nothing. So is either you are learning something or learning nothing. Any which way, you are learning still.

If nothing last forever, you and education will be nothing forever.

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