Who are you to me: TUMI@2

By Ajibode

What re you to me?

Who do you think I took you for?

Right from the onset of our precedented rendezvous, I can never thought it has to get to this point.

Your presence tells my heart something, my eyes see nothing.

You re the one that makes me better living. Even when I thought never worth it.

Should I call you my friend?
Is it the right word to use?

Your template of attitude got my attention in the terms of retention.

I indeed wanna go with your perception. But then, is it necessarily important?

Will I be able to imbibe it all?

Your actions speaks louder than words. Its echo remains resounding.

I feel you when you re near.
Even afar off, your presence is aware. I can't help it but to say, I can't do without it.
I need it every time.

Even in my darkest moment, you've never failed that part.
You gave me understanding, even when I'm lost.

Your actions could either make or mar me inwardly, but then I'm to decide...

Resounding whispers of your renouncing voice lingers in me. I can't help it, but to say I need you.

Even with all the odds, we retrace our steps back again.

Sometimes I asked...
Why not ret you off?
Why do I have to contain you in me?
Re you indeed worth it at all?...

Intensively rhetorical I guess...

Sometimes it is worth it.
Other times I do wanna think otherwise.

You've come settle with me, I agreed mingle with me. We walk a long way through, seemingly like no end.

Sometimes it looks like it is.

But how I wish, was just the case.

You re in time, never too late.

You took your place, always relate.

You re the manner, ever engaged.

You move the mood, often resuscitate.

You re the manner of your word, delivering its intentions. You follow your lead, I hollow my principles.

Ups and down never seized our path. Then I realized it is to relate first before other things.

I emit my heart to you, for us to wear a smile on. It is sublime meeting you...

We need it but, you made it happened. I enjoyed it all along.

Of your smile In my memory, it ever permeate the radiance of your heart. I wanna see you everyday, and have you to myself.


Does it work that way ?

Headway to you heart is enough for me to perch on...

Relating, Encloser Living Always Theming On Nature's Sensual Habit Instinctively Personality.

Re you good? I'm I better?
That's not to judge.
But our interest and temperament could matter.

Our deep sense of tolerance goes a long way.

We get on each other's nerve, but here we re together again.

We stay close forever, we live together deep in our hearts....

By Jimisewa

Who then can be the judge of himself or herself?.

I searched all over,
couldn't find anybody.
Then i felt everyone should be enrolled into this ship.

A ship full of many deep things.
Only on the river of trust,it could be sailed peacefully.

Fuelled only with love,then i guarantee a lasting journey in the ship.

Allocation of the ship ticket to pride will lead to nothing but destruction.

"I" should be dumped and then "we" is introduced.
The ship is never meant for a being,

i cant see myself,
You cant be everywhere.

I need you
You need me
We need each other to survive.

Fine, we all have principles, but for a successful journey, we all have to drop our so called principles.

Tolerance is a must.

Absence of forgiveness brings a halt to the ship.

So many ships are present all over the universe.
Some sinks.
Some stands.
Some gets tossed by the wind.

Whatever the case maybe,
Let your ship be seasoned with honesty,unity,sincerity and above all integrity.

So far, so good, it is RELATIONSHIP

By Icon of holiness

The idea of relationship was initiated by God, He is the author of all profound and sound relationships and interactions.
Relationship has no destiny, it is human that made it fate.
Therefore, what really is relationship?
Relationship is the atmosphere of zero loneliness.
Relationship is an act of agreement between two or more people
Relationship exist between living beings in order to create a conducive environment for better living
  A song writer says;    
                 I love you, you love me, both of us love each other....
What brings about relationships
1. The inability to be independent without dependence. Anybody can be somebody but nobody can say he or she knows not somebody.
Relationship is a platform where people are linked or joined together.
Relationship requires volision which makes everyone of us responsible of any relationship we find ourselves. As humans, we can secede from any relationship and also strive for its continuity.
Here lies few factors that fosters sound relationship
1. Love
2. Communication
How we can get into sound relationship
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, by all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can ....John Wesley

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