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Letter to the celebrities

IJ j Letter to the celebrities Don’t look too far thinking you are not one- Yes! Don’t conclude that you aren’t part of the celebrities. Why?    Few days ago, I stumbled on a trend on twitter where one Pastor Mrs precisely said that “we all are guilty of the wrongs in our country. All of us. No one is exempted.” While replying to the post I said “The word ‘guilty’...

What are friends for? Episode 16

What are friends for? Episode 16 She was shocked and remained stagnant. He went further to squeeze her buttocks, bent low to lick her laps. Rita immediately developed more sensation, feeling weightless at the moment. She finally reciprocated by touching his head.  They spent quality time having oral sex until Nath’s phone rang- it was a call from the music producer...

The love of a friend

The love of a close friend! “I have a feeling that you are hiding something from me.... why are you sounding like this? What’s wrong with you?.... You said you wanted to tell me something, what’s that?.....   No! No! Don’t tell me later, please tell me now; please na.... why are you doing like this? So you have started keeping secrets?” I know you must have...

What are friends for? Episode 15

What are friends for? Episode 15 Her one click landed her in a YouTube page filled with erotic videos. “I have promised myself not to watch this again and I will not because I don’t want to stir up my sexual drive again this time. I have stopped sex and porn” this thought was busy sounding loud in Rita’s ear but she was already getting curious to see the content. She...

Our mother's DNA

OUR MOTHERS’ DNA “FINISHED? But our guests are not more than five hundred and if I recollect correctly, about three thousand meats were fried yesterday. I don’t believe that!” the bride left to continue dancing with her husband.  But, how come meats /food are not always enough in parties? But then, I also read about the story of Jesus’ disciples that fed a lot...

The brand Tumihub

The brand Tumihub DNA: maybe you don’t know that you cycle through three worlds every day. These worlds are THE EARTH, YOUR MIND, and THE ONLINE WORLD- the internet. Tumihub is a linking point that gives a better regulation of these worlds. How? PROMISE: the how 1. We are the listening ear you can always share what your mind is thinking with anytime and is always...

Am I not a human being too?

Am I not a human being too? I have not come for anybody this time but I’ve come for your mentality! Yes you! Why will you stereotype human ? That person is first a human before S/he got the attribute you are reverencing to and no matter the level of attainment that person must have gained, he’s still a human and there’s no doubt about that. If you care to know what...