The brand Tumihub

The brand Tumihub

DNA: maybe you don’t know that you cycle through three worlds every day. These worlds are THE EARTH, YOUR MIND, and THE ONLINE WORLD- the internet.
Tumihub is a linking point that gives a better regulation of these worlds. How?

PROMISE: the how

1. We are the listening ear you can always share what your mind is thinking with anytime and is always ready to give the help needed.
2. We are always on time to give you the information you needed/asked for and also giving updates as regards the happenings in the online world.
3. We just want to ensure that you are the best you can be on the earth you live in

VALUES: We believe that everyone is unique and can succeed in everything they do in as much they are in their right conscience.
To Tumihub, you are more than what you think you are!!!

Vision: We don’t just want to get by; we want to live well; but our foremost effort is to help others live well.

1. Easily accessible both online and offline
2. Building an offline community to accommodate thousands of people where everything is free- fulfilling our DNA.
3. Having at least a tumite in every society of the world, living intentionally and with a very good conscience.

Drivers: what are you looking for? Are you looking for:
1. Listening ear, acceptance, fun, a platform to explore, a family, expression, or a platform to showcase?
2. Inspiration, motivation, advice, counseling, or intentional contents- not just anyhow
w content?
3. Career opportunity or a spouse?
4. Even if you aren’t looking for anything or you don’t know what you are looking for,
Tumihub is a better option you can always trust.

Personality: listens, engage and serves without barrier.

1. Every member is a shareholder.
2. Two-way communication- constantly engaging the audience.
3. Every voice is very important.

Tumihub is the free mode of Consultant_OMAA

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