What are friends for? Episode 16

What are friends for?

Episode 16

She was shocked and remained stagnant. He went further to squeeze her buttocks, bent low to lick her laps. Rita immediately developed more sensation, feeling weightless at the moment. She finally reciprocated by touching his head. 

They spent quality time having oral sex until Nath’s phone rang- it was a call from the music producer announcing he was ready for him. And just like he was used to it, all his sensation and urges diminished immediately and he was ready to dress up but Rita’s clit is still very much activated and wouldn’t let go easily. Nath looked for a way to stop and quickly dress up to go meet the producer leaving her in the toilet’s lobby.

Rita dressed up and just like as if she was relieved of a charm, it dawn on her that she had broken the promise she had made to herself immediately, she leaned her back on the wall and dragged it down until she sat on the floor. She covered her face with her two hands and moved it downward until the tip of her hand touch the holes of her nose. She then supported her nose with her fists joined together as she looked straight towards the wall opposite her; tears rolled out “Rita! Why did you get yourself into this again? I thought you overcame few years ago but how come this happened? But you have resisted a greater temptation, why this one again? Who’s at fault for what happened- I or him? Or was I giving him the wrong signals? Is it because I asked him to wait for me while I urinate- or how come he got the gut to make a move with  someone he called his friend?” she wept and cried out loud. She said to herself ‘why didn’t you stop him at first? Why? Now see what you’ve gotten yourself into.’ 

She drags her buttocks slightly on the tiles as she moves towards the edge where two walls meet; stretched her legs and lean her back on a wall with her head resting on the other wall; then finally crossed her hands around her chest with her eyes focusing on nothing.

After some minutes in that position, she heard giggles of a lady walking towards her. She got up quickly, cleaned her face and adjusted her clothes to give an impression that she just finish using the toilet. She looked towards the lady and was surprised to see guy behind her. Rita greeted and left and she walks away from them, she heard giggles again and it was obvious that the guy was tickling her.
“Oh! No wonder he made the move. So this is not just a toilet?” she said as she walked out of the studio without minding the faces that were staring at her- people that knew what has happened.She left for home, switched off her phone and went straight to her room to sleep.

  “Hello! O boy our school is now mad. You won’t believe that they asked us to resume next week and also gave us only two weeks to pay our school fee. How on earth will they do that?”  Pam called Nath to inform him about the latest news he read on the school site and asked him to tell Rita too because he tried her number but was switched off. Nath couldn’t pay much attention to what he said because he was already recording- he could only pick the calls because the music producer paused to use the gent and since Pam had called more than five times.

Around 10pm, they stopped recording and concluded that they will meet again in five days time. The music producer asked for his money; Nath dipped his right hand into his pocket to remove the money and said “Beatey! You won’t believe that this money I’m about to give you is my school fee and my friend just called me that we are to pay in two weeks time but I’m expecting money from someone by next week; I’ll use it to pay for my school fee. God should just see our hustle and let this song blow.” He left for home.

Two days after Pam called Nath, he left for school to pay his school fee. Though he can as well pay online but he is scared of doing mistakes that can make him loose the money. He informed Nath before he left but Nath wasn’t ready to leave home until he gets the money he’s expecting to pay his school fee. Pam called Rita to inform her too. Since she was just hearing for the first time, she couldn’t tell when she will be going to school but Pam begged her to come early so that she can always keep his company since Nath is not coming anytime soon.

Exactly one week remaining for payment of their school fee, Rita resumed. This time, she went straight to her hostel to clean it up and dropped her luggage. Thereafter, she went ahead to pay her school fee and her faculty dues. For two days, she didn’t go t see Pam neither did she call him until Pam met her in school after they received a lecture together. He accused her but she tried avoid the discussion. Pam was angry and left in annoyance.
Rita felt guilty and decided to go see him in the evening which she did but didn’t meet him at home. She dipped two fingers into a hole around the entrance to get the key to the room to wait for Pam to come back. While waiting, she was hungry, so she cooked and just about the time she wanted to eat, Pam arrived. He was also very happy to see food since he has been starving. After exchanging pleasantries slightly with Rita, he went straight to the pot to take his food
“Just for you to know Rita, I called Nath not too long ago and with the way he is sounding, I think something is wrong. Nath spent his school fee to record music with the hope of replacing since someone promised to give him some money but the person has not been picking his calls for days now.” Pam said as he eats his food but Rita suddenly stopped eating and was lost in thought of what happened in the studio. Anger appeared on her face and she was almost saying ‘that’s good for him’ before she quickly controlled it and said something else. She didn’t leave until it was dark.

Nath lost hope and was going to give up going to school that session since he still couldn’t get his school fee and it’s just one day left. The last option on his mind was to lend money from the student union government and if it is also impossible, he will just have to process a one year absenteeism plan but good for him, the union promised to give him the money the following morning which happen to be the last day. He packs his bags and came to school that day.

He slept at his apartment in the student union building and did not inform Pam that he was around. He woke up the next day and quickly rushed to the union’s president. They went straight to the bank and after about two hours of waiting in line, it was their turn only to hear that he rules has changed. The account they opened did no longer allow the president’s signature alone but two people. They pleaded for long stating the urgent need for the money but all to no avail. Nath was very destabilized and you can see that all over his face. He was so silent and his face was looking so remorseful.

The president was busy calling other executives but still couldn’t get anyone to come around. So he switched to asking all of them to donate money so that he can pay back whenever they can get the money from bank but still couldn’t make an head way still. He became tired and hopeless. Nath couldn’t risk it anymore as it remained just two hours for the official closing of the staffs in school. So he told the president not to worry that he will go for one year absenteeism.

On getting there, it became so obvious that he was late for what he came for. The person in charge is not around and won’t come soon. He left school and went straight to a bar because it was looking like his head will soon burst. He gave up trying and assumed it’s finished for him. He drank to stupor and didn’t leave the bar until 11pmThe union president later got a means and has been trying to call him but he already left his phone in the bar. Nath staggered until he got to the entrance of his room. Pam opened the door after so many bangs.

  Pam wondered what could make his friend be this way and remembered his issue with his school fee. He took u, logged in into Nath’s school account to know if he has paid or not since he knows his log in details.

“God! Let it not be that this guy hasn’t paid. Even if he has not, Lord please miraculously help him” Pam prayed as he surfed the school website. He then suddenly jumped up after reading through something on the site.

Watch out for the next episode

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