Am I not a human being too?

Am I not a human being too?

I have not come for anybody this time but I’ve come for your mentality! Yes you!

Why will you stereotype human ? That person is first a human before S/he got the attribute you are reverencing to and no matter the level of attainment that person must have gained, he’s still a human and there’s no doubt about that.

If you care to know what I’m talking about, then let me tell you my story;

There are several times I have had people accused me that they were disappointed because I did some certain things, they didn’t expect me to do. I must confess that I appreciate your sincerity and love for me because if not that, you won’t even bother to tell me about it but like I said, I have not come for you, I have come for the mentality. 

I have heard people say “a whole you? How will you put up a picture of yours without having clothes on ?” and I am like so I cannot post my beach picture and what does that have to do with who I am? So, because he is religious leader, he has to be perfect? Or because S/he is a highly respected person, S/he can’t get angry?”

Let me clear the doubt you might be having right now by saying that I really do understand that ‘to whom much is given, much is also expected’ and that it is a normal thing for people to place some sort of high expectations on some people but please there are certain things that I think we aren’t looking into before we make our judgement.

Actually, posting pictures of a nice time in beach isn't bad. At least to show your circle of influence that you also encourage having a nice time. In fact, there are times I do some things just because I want people to feel that sense of belonging- I wanted a platform where I'll be easily accessible. Some times, I just wanted to show that I am a human that want to live a normal life like every other persons.

After all, if it's not a bad thing, then why judge your stereotype?

"He's high profile person and I didn't expect him to do that sort of thing" if this is you, can you as well look at it that the person you are talking about is also a human like you.

I see some people who took the wrong path because they concluded that "If someone that's respected can do this, why can't I?" But i want to ask, "Is that person not a human being too?"

So why choose to follow his/her wrong path?


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