Our mother's DNA


“FINISHED? But our guests are not more than five hundred and if I recollect correctly, about three thousand meats were fried yesterday. I don’t believe that!” the bride left to continue dancing with her husband.

 But, how come meats /food are not always enough in parties?

But then, I also read about the story of Jesus’ disciples that fed a lot of people with the miraculous five loaves of bread and two fishes and still had so many remnants of not just bread but also fishes too. Come to think of it, if it were our mothers or our ladies, don’t you think there will be a problem? I’m still looking for that party where it will be only guys/our fathers to see if we will still have the ‘meat scarcity syndrome’

‘The eagle’s eye is the best way to describe our mothers’ eyes in any party and just like the eagle, they most times never miss their targets especially when they have to fill the tank they brought which would be under their table or rightly placed in their fancy big bags.

“The party is not interesting and I almost regret coming. It’s not even well planned at all.”

You will also hear this from the group of mothers who couldn’t meet their target for the party- YES! Our mothers are better analyst; even better than the football analyst whenever there is a minimum of two of them together.   
Even my mum ‘Iya Michael’ is also an expert because I’m always rest assured of party food any time she informs me that she’s going to a party especially when we are going together, she’s always on my neck until I get my own food which most times always get me angry because of the attention focused on us as she performs her magic to get me my food, but I love her still #Smiles#.

Our current ladies, I hope you are big girl enough not to follow their footsteps- at least take more of the fathers’ DNA.   

My point!

Favouritism is a major factor that needs to be eradicated for a society to be fair and just or at least be mitigated if it can’t totally be eradicated.

Join me in looking through the cause of almost all the problems you can ever think of and see if you wouldn’t find either selfishness or favouritism as the leading factor.

Yes! Favouritism is sometimes unavoidable but I have seen people who are intentional enough to reduce it to the barest minimum and for me, I’m working towards that too.

Don’t you think it’s time we began the change we desire, first by removing the log in our own eyes - favouritism and selfishness? Then we can think of what next!

Before you unfairly favour someone because of your position to make such decision at that moment, remember how you feel when you finally get to a party after going through traffic congestion while starving and being cashless, only for you to be informed that there is no more meat/food, and you get to still see some selected people given food even at that instance when you’re being told otherwise. 



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