What are friends for? Episode 15

What are friends for?

Episode 15

Her one click landed her in a YouTube page filled with erotic videos. “I have promised myself not to watch this again and I will not because I don’t want to stir up my sexual drive again this time. I have stopped sex and porn” this thought was busy sounding loud in Rita’s ear but she was already getting curious to see the content.
She paused and couldn’t press anything then she saw a caption that caught  attention "a banana shifting womb" and so her curiosity led her to check it out. A black background popped out with white line rotating at the center.

It took a long time in that spot and Rita almost lost interest only for a 2D cartoon to begin its play; a skip icon attached with it. She figured out it was a sixty seconds ad and so she quickly clicked on the skip icon.

Just about when the video started with introduction of what the video is about, an SMS popped in on Rita's phone but she didn't pay attention it then, the video will not still play. So she decided to check the message and realized she had exhausted her data. She was disappointed and at the same time was happy she wasn't able to watch the video. "Thank God I escaped this temptation." She said as she closed the YouTube channel.

She went straight to bed to sleep but her phone rang. "Hello! Hello Rita. It's me Nath, I am presently in a recording studio around your area. I don't know if you can come around because i really want to see your face."

Rita was surprised. She jumped on her feet and get dressed to see Nath. It took her thirty minutes to get dressed after which she left for the studio.

Nath was called by the music producer to come record the song he had been disturbing him about but someone else was on the mic which meant he had to wait some few hours. He held his note pad on his left hand while his pen was in his right hand. He was shaking his head in all directions as the beat filters from his headset into his ears. At intervals, he murmurs words and hum the lyrics on his note pad. Other times, he will stop shaking his head and will start to chew the cover of his pen while his eyes look straight to the sky like he was focusing on something only for him to suddenly remove the pen from his mouth and start to write in his note pad. He will sing along with the tune using the just written lyrics then stop at some point to correct something before he continued singing.

Nath continued this as he sat at the waiting room of the studio which was just behind the entrance into the studio. The studio itself is on the first floor which prohibits you to knock or come in if not called upon because if you do, you will be sent out of the studio. Starting from the entrance, the illumination of the studio is so dim that you hardly see the colour of your clothes. The lamp used are multicoloured without white in it. It all together emits a cool sensation especially with the fact that it’s sound insulated- there are no windows and as soon as you shut the entrance door, the silence is almost a hundred percent.

Rita alighted from a bike as she looks around. She dug her left hand into her back pocket to bring out a two hundred naira note and gave it to the bike man as she operates her phone with her right hands. ‘I am sorry for using my left hand’ she said. The bike man said ‘no froblem’ in his Hausa influenced pronunciation and left to pick the lady standing at the other side of the road.

Rita tried calling Nath on phone but the network won’t allow. She looked round and asked for the studio around. She was directed and then as she walked few distance, she saw the studio and walked towards it. Immediately she got close to the entrance, Nath sighted her and rushed out to welcome her. He hugged her so tight and lifted her up too while Rita was screaming instead. He didn’t take his hands off her waist and at some points, he pecked her. ‘Bae, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you but I miss you so much. Thanks for your wishes yesterday and I also appreciate your coming today’ he said as he looked into her eyes.

Rita look away and was trying to free herself from him but he wasn’t going to allow. ‘So, it’s true? Because I just confirmed it. Why must you get drunk because you want to record a song? A song that you want sane human to listen to is what you are writing in an abnormal state?’ as she was saying this, Nath let loose of her and was about changing the topic. ‘you better don’t join others. Just because most musicians do that doesn’t mean you should. Be different and sing good music’ she finally concluded.

“Thanks, so much bae. I will work on what you said” Nath said as they walk into the studio. He saluted the guys sitting close to the entrance and walked in with Rita to the space allocated for guests- they both sat on a cushion chair. Rita started pouring out her mind of how much she was angry with Nath and Pam. She said a whole lot and it was already getting boring to Nath so he decided to change the topic and he started with tickling her. “but I said I’m sorry. Let’s just forget about this and talk about something else, please!” Nath said following the tickle but Rita insisted that she must finish what she was saying.

Because Nath didn't want her to, he kept tickling her until she started laughing hard ‘Nath stop. Ok please stop it. I will not talk again’ she said but Nath will not answer. She took the step to bite him in his chest but Nath tried to stop that by pushing her away only for him to push her in her breast. So, she also stopped the attempt to bit him. “Nath your rough play is too much. See how you have made my cloth stained.” She said as she breathes heavily but, in her mind, she was already aroused. It was as if somebody just switched on her sex drive.

Nath look away and was also breathing heavily. He also started feeling aroused which is a normal thing for him to always feel that way any time he is in the studio- he always has a girl with him in the studio which sex is always the main event between them either before he records or after he does while sometimes, the both times but he wasn’t having it mind to do that with his friend Rita.

To curb his sensations, he excused himself and told her he wanted to go see the music producer. He left and went outside to have a breathing space and clear his head of the emotions. He took about few minutes and came back. Rita told him she wanted to urinate and he led her to the toilet but it was dark around the toilet. Rita was scared and asked Nath not to go far which he did.

After few minutes, she came out. Nath was sweating because the air-condition didn’t get to the toilet corridor where he stayed. “eehyah, I’m sorry for making you to sweat like this” Rita said as she walks closer to where he was standing. Nath excused her so that she could be at the front while he walked behind.   

As they were going out, Rita was busy talking as she adjusts her pants but Nath isn’t listening until they almost get out of the toilet, then Nath suddenly dragged Rita to himself and kissed her.

She was shocked and she remained stagnant. He went further to……

Watch out for the next episode

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