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Let me buy your time

Let me buy your time! Sometimes, I think God is partial to give you more time than I have. Though we both have 24hours in a day but how come you still have too much time for pleasures? How come you never get too tired like I use to? How? Why? Yes! Of course I have tried applying different time management skill but I still don't have the time like you do. *Please can I buy your time? How much will it cost me?* If you are like me saying this, then...


*INTER-VIEW 2!* *Concluding part of the duet between Precious Pen and TUMI* The young lady sighed. All eyes concentrated on her which makes her gets so shy. She nodded to affirm the advice of the interviewer and at the same time was angry at the spot she was in. so with annoyance, she rushed out of the room to cry her eyes out at a bar nearby. She was not just crying because she was embarrassed in public when trying to get her dream job; she...


*A duet between Precious Pen and TUMI* *INTER-VIEW 1!*       Few months ago, I conducted an interview. A guy and a lady entered my office. I gave a warm welcome to the young man and frowned at the young lady. I sent her out of my office and began an interesting interview with the guy. Few minutes later, we over heard voices and decided to check what was going on. The young lady told the other applicants how I refused to grant her...

There is always an exception!

*There Are Always Exceptions!* Note: I will be glad if the reader can use my glasses while reading this so as not to misinterpret me. “Look mike, I find it difficult to believe that some relationships from high school don’t end in marriage.” “I still believe I can pass exams without reading after all I watched the film 3-idiots” “In this world, i have seen dropouts become the world richest- employing the most educated. They were even awarded...
*In search for my Willy!* Where is that damsel that would rather colour my vision? Where is that specially made God's provision? Where is my perfect half? Where is the heart that can pray on my behalf? When will I see my kokolet? When will we become Romeo and Juliet? When will I lay beside your pleasant body? When will i enjoy what others are eating wrongly? How will I Identify the strength to my weakness? How will my heart beat when...

Don't be rigid!

*Don’t be rigid!* *Concluding part of the series on provision* Setting a vision should not be in a rigid form that you cannot alter any part of it. If new things, advice, or improvement appears to you, don’t just ignore it without checking through it if it is really needed. Make sure you think about it and meditate on it, then if need be that you should ignore it, don’t hesitate to do that likewise if it is the opposite. Think if it is T- True H-...

provision episode3

*Heart It!* Provision episode3 After starting with that resources with you, make sure you make plans to upgrade. Set vision on what you need most and put your heart to it. Continue doing what you are doing but think on how to give more quality to it even with that same resources just think outside the box. While you are doing that, commit your heart to getting those things you need to improve your work. List them out and arrange them down according...


*Continuation on provision* If you have gotten I life changing, selfless, others oriented vision, I want to congratulate you for the great success accomplished. But you still have part to play in getting the provisions needed. You cannot cross your hands waiting for the provision to come automatically. So if you are the one saying that you have a lot of ideas, innovations, inventions, visions but there is no money to execute it. No sponsors to...

Provision or vision?

*PROVISION!* If I can’t just have 30billion in my account, my problem is solved! *A man of vision is better than a visionless man of wealth* Looking at the young ones of nowadays, many of what we run after is wealth. Money, money, money is our song almost every time. Just that 30billion to be set in our account is our dream because you have to be a nigga or a big girl; you have to get a ride-not a motor, buy a confirm house in Banana Island; get...

can't you see?

*Can’t you see?*  Ha! See that bosomy lady complimented by a big ass passing by. In fact, I can’t just resist this. So you walk up to her to paint the picture you are good at doing. At least just for her body parts that attract you; you can never be shy for this. Fortunately for you, she is a slay mama with four boyfriends which she calls “play boy1, 2, 3, 4”. But they are not enough because she needs more money. So she smiles at you because...

Why not me?

*You need to read this by Alinna Charles* *WHY NOT ME?* This question keeps popping up each time things we expect do not happen. You went for an interview and to the best of your knowledge you were the most qualified to get the job but alas! You were not employed. Then you ask *why not me?*     You are beautiful, classy, endowed, a lady who “every guy wants to die for”. But suddenly a rich handsome and good looking man comes out of nowhere...

Value in the real sense

*What value really means!* *What caused the difference?* what is keeping you to stay with someone is the same thing that is keeping your friend away. Why you liked him is the same reason that made her dislike him. When your entire goal is to get the money at all cost, your friend’s goal is to spend his money on that thing he does for free. The answers are all connected to our values! After a lot of wonderful conversations with different people...

Is schooling for everybody?

*SCHOOLING IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY!* *“Mr. Lecturer! With all your qualifications, your life time salary is what a dropout footballer gets for just few days. Shai! ”* *“Daniel! I heard that Michael has now been given admission to TUMI University and you are older than him but you still haven’t gained admission for over 5years now. Did he have two heads? You better use your head and go for special centres! Shai! ”* *SCHOOLING IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY....

copy-copy cat!

*COPY-COPY CAT* My mum said I was light in complexion while I was very young, Ten years later, I became the photocopy of Wande Coal, Just because of this weather that burns me black, “caro white” please come peel off this my artificial bark.       *Copy-copy, your black is beautiful. Don’t be fooled* Chris Brown, do you know my best food is Pizza? When we both know it is “Egusilized Eba” But you think that is too local, So...
*WOW just like yesterday! Celebrating TUMI 1yr* *Based on reference!* *Yemi*: hmmm my role model is Rihanna, Messi, and my very best is Kim Kardeshia *Esther*: Mine is Pastor Adeboye, Don Moen, and Wole Shoyinka. *The question is:*if you are to state the difference between these two ladies after listening to their role models what will be your possible replies? Are those people listed above great? Are they celebrities?  Is there any...
*WOW just like yesterday! Celebrating TUMI 1yr* *Based on reference!* *Yemi*: hmmm my role model is Rihanna, Messi, and my very best is Kim Kardeshia *Esther*: Mine is Pastor Adeboye, Don Moen, and Wole Shoyinka. *The question is:*if you are to state the difference between these two ladies after listening to their role models what will be your possible replies? Are those people listed above great? Are they celebrities?  Is there any...

Leave me alone! i will do it tomorrow

*Leave me! I will do it tomorrow!* Wonderful one Written by *Olorode Taiwo* “Once upon a time in a land, there were two good friends who are both curious of their future. This eventually led them to a shaman. At the shaman's place, friend A was told he would become a king while friend B was told he'll become a slave. On hearing this, of course the one who was to become a king was happy and left for home leaving his friend. Ever since that day,...

can't a lady ask a guy she loves out?

*Why can’t a lady ask a guy that she loves out?* I saw a guy and I loved him. I have watched him for some while and I tend to love his personality. But why can’t ask him out? *NOTE*: this is just an advice from a point of view of which there might be many better views. Bimpe! Let me talk to you. Open your ears and listen. Seriously, I think there is nothing bad to fall in love with Bayo’s personality and make a move to *ask him OUT!*  But...

But Why?

*BUT WHY?* Visualizing around the ages, Viewing all the ladies, Variation in all the stages. Not even a value added lady, Violating all the laws, She just keep on crossing the lawn. Various men trapped by her bed till dawn, Sonorously singing “oh baby!” Vicky! Haba! No more bra? All men longing to hide under your umbrella. Not because you are a vision carrier, Most times, it is the under, The one you refuse to cover, That is making...

The littles

                 THE LITTLES!​ *Dedicated to:* Philipsbabs *“Just as food is to the body; make over is to a bae (slay mama); and an apple laptop is to a Gboy, so as those little mission is to those ends you have in mind.”* "He that is faithful in little will be faithful in all" is a timeless principle that caught my attention some months ago. I later discover that INTEGRITY is that one word that can...

my guy will understand!

*Do you think of asking this question sometimes ago?* *Question:* as a female, Is there anything wrong for my male friend who is just a friend to come stay with me? Or  He's a friend and he just wanna stay with me for sometime. The problem is Not in his staying but how do I tell my fìancee about it? *Please listen*  Na wahala be that o. It will be somehow expensive decision to tell your fiance(or not to tell him) especially the one you...

the Third-alternative!

*THE THIRD ALTERNATIVE!* “Wow junior you scored 50% in the last exams. That’s good but one thing that I will happy about and will be expecting very soon is when you bring home the best result just like Tracy. (You wrap your hands around his neck). I know you will make me proud!” “Did I just hear that you misplace the whole bunch of keys for the office? Take this spare from me because I am sure that from now, you will make this very safe.” Will...


Criticism  Bgaam! You zoom your sport lovely car on a steady tiled road to quickly visit your good colleague at work.  You are about knocking his door but something tells you to eave drop before knocking and you obeyed.  What you here is a conversation that you are interested in. Do you care to know? If yes, here it goes: Mr. X: just imagine! That your volatile, too-forward, half-hearted, friend called…(he was referring to you)....

Ignorance/awarenesses​ VS choice Final Episode

*Ignorance/awareness​ vs choice final match!* Episode 8 *Back to the story!* Into a five thousand capacity five star hall, clothed in a white and red decoration. Beautiful flowers flood the hall. You have to wait at the entrance for about three minutes with excitement wondering how beautiful it was. Thousands of great and respected people from all works of life have left their busy and tight schedule to organize this great event. The men are on...

Episode7 of Ignorance/Awareness VS choice

*Semi final match between Ignorance/Awareness VS choice* Episode 7: *It’s not a stigma* Why do you think you are stigmatized just because you did the right thing lately?  If you will ask me, I will tell you that lately here is simply human’s timing but on the real sense, what you call lately is really *“ON TIME”* as planned by God. It’s is only late if God says it is. And since you are still alive, God is simply saying... *Ignorance/awareness VS choice* Episode6 Tittle: *long for more!* Come up a little bit higher! There are lots of people that are still living in their past glories. There are certain Words that are the normal in their mouth. It’s so close to their tongue. Words like: 1. When I was the…… 2. During my (our) own time of….. and many more  They so much cherish and glory in their past. Just ask them about what they are...

Ignorance/awareness vs choice2

THEME: Ignorance/awareness VS choice Episode two: The choice! The story continues  Suddenly, the exotic, expensive phone slips from wande's hand. What! Please can you help me complete this statement which says "the downfall of an iPhone is the ...." Smiles. The screen of the phone was facing the floor so that made Wande scared to pick up the phone. In a twinkling of an eye, Wande flashed back to the scene where he got the phone. Interchanging...

Will crime continue4

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Episode 4 Bank Palava  Surprised, shocked, you rushed into a bank to make complains and after hours of standing on queue you finally appear in front​ of the customer care and here goes the conversation Customer care(CC): Good morning. Welcome to TUMI bank. How may we help you? You: I was expecting the ATM machine to vomit the money i requested but all i see is that my account has been blocked so i rush down here to tell...

will crime continue3

Will crime continue? Episode3 Public transport show! "Driver let's go now or should we sleep here?" "Please conductor give me my change before i forget because you people are thiefs" "Driver why are you taking this route? Pass here now" "Mr man can't you sit well please adjust" "Madam pay me my money or you get down now" etc. You can add yours   Right from where you are picked up to where you alight, there are lot of shows that happens in...

will crime continue2

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Customized Police   Yepee Christmas eve is here again. Happy, excited, Mr x withdraw #19,000 naira for the "chicken peri peri" for Christmas.    Gbam!(sound effect). Suddenly someone called Mr x on his way home as of he was a childhood friend but before Mr X knows whats going on he lost his consciousness. After some two minutes, he regain his consciouness but the money has disappeared from his back pocket. Being...

will crime continue1

WILL CRIME CONTINUE? Episode 1 'Oga boss boss' Hey! hey! hey! 'oga boss boss. Twale !baba o. Gbe fun! Nla nla' is the eulogy to that wealthy man around some Street guys. After all of that, you gave them money. I mean money that even after you left their place, you were thinking if you are the one that gave them such an huge amount or they use something on you. Smiles BACK TO YOUR WORK PLACE Six of your friends and some others work for you. You use...

Must it be you?

MUST it BE YOU? That will be the next sex food of that brother? Are you just a sample? It is something that should not be done (genesis 23:7) That will put on rags and call them clothes? Are you a faithful prostitute in appearance? Addressing you is what you want, then dress well. That will mislead the boy to do evil? Are you the next Eve? That will kill the strength of the boy? Are you the twin sister of Delilah (judges 16:5-20). That will...

common love!

COMMON LOVE TURNED SPECIAL; SPECIAL LOVE TURNED COMMON. Everyone on earth want to be loved even the youngest child of this trending generation but when someone tells you he/she loves you what does it mean? What runs into your mind when people tells you how much they loves you? The feelings are always interesting indeed when we heard those uttered word from peoples. There are some Significant terms to treat here so as to know the difference...

The bait

THE BAIT! 1. Bro, you notice she is acting funny now a days and suddenly she request for a vigil that on the long run will make two of you alone together for the rest of the night. Wait! Don't you think that's the bait? 2. "Look! Friend 'Criminal ni gbogbo wa(we all are criminals)'. so do the manipulation". Of course That's exactly the bait. 3. You are in need of money and your fiance ask you to come around late in the night for the money. Hmmm.....

To the freshers

NOW THAT YOU ARE NEW! For everything, there is a beginning and surely there is an end to every beginning. What determines the end is the distance between the beginning and the end. "If the foundation ( beginning) be destroyed, what can the righteous (you) do?" Is either the righteous(you) cry on the problem ( or run away) or you work towards getting a solution to the problem ( doing a hard work because hard work as some people do say is the combination...

are you also among?

ARE YOU AMONG? "How you do one thing, is how you do everything" "We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will die together as fools. Martin Luther King" "If the foundation be destroyed, what will the nation do?" How are we going to improve and move forward when we do not have qualified tutors in our schools. I always hear people saying youths and children of today are the leaders of tomorrow but the question that always come to...

be my val

Please be my Val! "BAE", please colour my Vision After Loving (val) you!    "BOO", please make me Virtuous After Loving (val) me!  I need someone that can be my Value Added Landmark (val). Someone that can add value to me. Let me see a better me in you. Let me be Valued After Loving (val) you! Let me be able to draw power from you not you draining mine. All i want is to be Vagile after i Accepted your Love proposal (val) Please...