Alternative ways to reach me are:
1. Message @Tumihub on all social handles
2. Message @consultantomaa on all social handles
3. Call/SMS 08162867982
4. Facebook: Quadri Micheal
5. Mail:
Please note that i prefer WhatsApp but it doesn't mean i don't communicate on these social handles too
Eagerly waiting for y...
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ConsultantOmaa price list

Consultant_OMAA price list
As you read through the prices, don't be quick to run away or tell me "I will get back to you" . Because i long to see your brand become irresistible, here is another offer:
Probably you don't have the money or you don't have up to that; so what else can you pay with aside money? I am open to deals! In fact, let's have a free trial session...
ConultantOmaa Packages

Consultant_OMAA packages for you
Read between lines cos i am sure what you want is there but if it is still not there you really don't get me, then let's talk and i will explain better. All i know is that there is no how i can't come into your brand.
1. Discover your brand: This will answer the question "who are you?". It's basically to help you discover...
Why do you need Consultant_OMAA?

The CEO in you
The answer to the question "Why consult Consultant_OMAA?"
Social media marketing has given a lot of youths and young adults the courage to start up something as an entrepreneur/talent. That is why you hardly will not find one or more of a description of them on their social media profile as "CEO, XYZ"
Truly, we all being a CEO is something that is unique...
This Journey

This journey
Journey – morning – money – sunny – horny – trophy
I will sue my parents
Why will they get me in this?
Can’t i just be in heaven in peace?
Now, they will soon demand my kids
White blank paper daily
What will i write in my today?
I don’t even know where to make my hay
Even my dark night taught me to stand up and pray
I need to go...
What can dedication do?

What dedication can do?
Lamech, orphaned at an early age with no family to help, leaving him to fend for himself.
He hopped from one job to the other to get money. At least to save for his tuition fees but was still impossible even after years.
Despite all these, he never gave up trying, never made excuses for the state of his being and despite all the multiple jobs,...
You don't want to go there!

I have been itching to talk to you, for a few days, the feeling have been so strong. Tonight I can't hold back, I will pour out my words on the pages of this paper.
You have been longing to leave home, you have been preparing for a journey without a map. I just want to say this to you, before you decide to leave, hear me out.
You don't know about this journey,...
Keep winning

I have often listened to a popular motivational speaker on the radio every Monday; for a time, he was my
favorite. He could quite easily become yours too, given the great doses of stinging action-provoking talks he injects into your youthful veins at the dawn of every business week to cure your slough. And he always ended with a phrase: "keep winning!‟...
The blackness in my spirit

In the wisps of breath, leaving my lips in soft whispers.
The tilt of my silken fingers,
My luscious lips,
And fleshy hips.
The bob of my fro'
The dip of my neck,
Down, towards my collarbone.
Can you see it?
Soft and smooth, like dark chocolate.
Maybe with a mix of caramel.
The crookedness to my smile,
The coffee brown of my eyes,
The stretches on my bum,
The blackness...
What are friends for? Episode 21

What are friends for?
Episode 21
Pam got home and immediately started to pack his things in preparation to meet up with the bus taking him and other members of his fellowship to a one week camp for youths. Rita was very angry and asked why he didn't inform her earlier and he said he thought of telling her but it skipped his mind. In no time, he left for the bus.
What are friends for? Episode 20

What are friends for?
Episode 20
“Pam! Don’t tell me that you’ve been listening to my conversation on phone” she asked stylishly without leaving an impression of fear. “Yes of course. I’ve been standing behind you for about five minutes just waiting for you to end the call and I heard everything” Pam said laughing.
Rita was shocked and teased him to tell her what...
My Lagos experience: the hustling spirit

My Lagos experience
Episode 2: the hustle is a spirit!
I observed perfect silence that was slightly polluted by the foot step of few people. Looking towards the heaven, I saw something like a white-cool-air falling on my skin and my bags and I guess it fell on the parked buses too because I can see a replica of what I’m seeing in the atmosphere on the buses too. I tried...
What are friends for? Episode 19

What are friends for?
Episode 19
Pam tried to avoid looking through but still couldn’t control that until the information he is feeding on passed through his eyes through to his pintle to the extent that it got filled and stretched out. While he tried to be distracted by taking up his books to do his assignments, he ended up feeding his eyes the more.
What are friends for? Episode 18

What are friends for?
Episode 18
“Mom! I’m really sorry for lying to you about the money I collected from you last week. I have had so much guilt since then and I’ve not been able to sleep well since that day. There wasn’t any project nor textbook I bought, I collected the money because one of my friend wasn’t able to pay his school fee and it was closing soon....
My Lagos Experience! Episode 1

My Lagos Experience
Episode 1: Secure the bag
Is there any theory, law, or manual that indicates that nights are for sleep or how did we human knows that when it is night, we need to sleep? Or is it just a tradition that started from way back?
Am I sounding weird? I was just wondering why most people sleep at night and not other time? I wonder why I also believed...
What are friends for? Episode 17

What are friends for? Episode 17
He slept at his apartment in the student union building and did not inform Pam that he was around. He woke up the next day and quickly rushed to the union’s president. They went straight to the bank and after about two hours of waiting in line, it was their turn only to hear that he rules had been changed. The account they opened no longer...
My boiled egg

My boiled egg
Woke up this morning preparing to go to school and so I decided to cook rice and boiled egg.
While rinsing the egg, I found out that the egg has this dirt on it, kind of thick Sha, and I carefully washed and that was all............................................
Oh!.. that's not all.
Then something popped into...
Letter to the celebrities

IJ j
Letter to the celebrities
Don’t look too far thinking you are not one- Yes! Don’t conclude that you aren’t part of the celebrities. Why?
Few days ago, I stumbled on a trend on twitter where one Pastor Mrs precisely said that “we all are guilty of the wrongs in our country. All of us. No one is exempted.” While replying to the post I said “The word ‘guilty’...
What are friends for? Episode 16

What are friends for?
Episode 16
She was shocked and remained stagnant. He went further to squeeze her buttocks, bent low to lick her laps. Rita immediately developed more sensation, feeling weightless at the moment. She finally reciprocated by touching his head.
They spent quality time having oral sex until Nath’s phone rang- it was a call from the music producer...
The love of a friend

The love of a close friend!
“I have a feeling that you are hiding something from me.... why are you sounding like this? What’s wrong with you?.... You said you wanted to tell me something, what’s that?..... No! No! Don’t tell me later, please tell me now; please na.... why are you doing like this? So you have started keeping secrets?”
I know you must have...
What are friends for? Episode 15

What are friends for?
Episode 15
Her one click landed her in a YouTube page filled with erotic videos. “I have promised myself not to watch this again and I will not because I don’t want to stir up my sexual drive again this time. I have stopped sex and porn” this thought was busy sounding loud in Rita’s ear but she was already getting curious to see the content.
Our mother's DNA

“FINISHED? But our guests are not more than five hundred and if I recollect correctly, about three thousand meats were fried yesterday. I don’t believe that!” the bride left to continue dancing with her husband.
But, how come meats /food are not always enough in parties?
But then, I also read about the story of Jesus’ disciples that fed a lot...
The brand Tumihub

The brand Tumihub
DNA: maybe you don’t know that you cycle through three worlds every day. These worlds are THE EARTH, YOUR MIND, and THE ONLINE WORLD- the internet.
Tumihub is a linking point that gives a better regulation of these worlds. How?
PROMISE: the how
1. We are the listening ear you can always share what your mind is thinking with anytime and is always...
Am I not a human being too?

Am I not a human being too?
I have not come for anybody this time but I’ve come for your mentality! Yes you!
Why will you stereotype human ? That person is first a human before S/he got the attribute you are reverencing to and no matter the level of attainment that person must have gained, he’s still a human and there’s no doubt about that.
If you care to know what...
What did you wear?

What did you wear?
Do you know that dressing influences your confidence?
Have you ever dressed up and you stepped out with so much confidence? Have you ever looked into the mirror after dressing up and in your mind you say ‘see fine boy/girl?’ Has dressing changed the way you walk, talk or/and pose before?
Now, have you ever been in a gathering and it looks like...